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Listar por autor "Yu Zubarev, Dimitry"

Listar por autor "Yu Zubarev, Dimitry"

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  • Yu Zubarev, Dimitry; Pachón, Leonardo Augusto; Universidad de Antioquia, UdeA;
    Abstract: It is generally recognized that a distinguishing feature of life is its peculiar capability to avoid equilibration. The origin of this capability and its evolution along the timeline of abiogenesis is not yet understood. ...
    Resumen: It is generally recognized that a distinguishing feature of life is its peculiar capability to avoid equilibration. The origin of this capability and its evolution along the timeline of abiogenesis is not yet understood. ...
    Es proyecto no
    Autor: Yu Zubarev, Dimitry
    Programa Nal. Colciencias: Programa Nacional de Ciencias Básicas
    Insitución cofinanciadora: Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación [CO] Colciencias
    Institución participante: Universidad de Antioquia, UdeA
    Fecha: 2015-05-18
    Proyecto id: 1115-569-34912
    Comunidad vinculada: Comunidad científica colombiana
    Número del Contrato: