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Listar Resultados de investigación por autor "Cipagauta, G."

Listar Resultados de investigación por autor "Cipagauta, G."

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  • Suarez Forero, D. G.; Cipagauta, G.; Vinck-Posada, Hebert; Fonseca Romero, K. M.; Universidad de Antioquia, UdeA;
    Abstract: Exciton polaritons are coupled states of matter and light, originated by the strong interaction between an optical and semiconductor excitons. This interaction be obtained also single-particle level, in which case it has ...
    Resumen: Exciton polaritons are coupled states of matter and light, originated by the strong interaction between an optical and semiconductor excitons. This interaction be obtained also single-particle level, in which case it has ...
    Es proyecto no
    Autor: Suarez Forero, D. G.
    Programa Nal. Colciencias: Programa Nacional de Ciencias Básicas
    Insitución cofinanciadora: Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación [CO] Colciencias
    Institución participante: Universidad de Antioquia, UdeA
    Fecha: 2016
    Proyecto id: 1115-569-34912
    Comunidad vinculada: Comunidad científica colombiana
    Número del Contrato: